The exploration of the most iconic symbol of the city of Milan: The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci, during EXPO 2015 in the prestigious setting of the Pirelli Skyscraper in Milan and Villa Burba in Rho.
The exploration of the most iconic symbol of the city of Milan: The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci, during EXPO 2015 in the prestigious setting of the Pirelli Skyscraper in Milan and Villa Burba in Rho.
CINA-YUNNAN- Yuanyang-2013
An image sequence illustrates a funeral in Yunnan, a province of China.
In the Chinese culture, the spirit of the deceased lives on in the afterworld; therefore, the funeral ritual is considered one of the most important moments of earthly life.
The Chinese funeral is meticulous and follows specific ceremonies according to religious beliefs, but all funerals share a common characteristic of not being grim. A poorly organized funeral is a sign of bad luck for the family.
In the courtyard, the village men prepare dim sum, a Chinese dumpling dish, to accompany the deceased in the afterlife.
The funeral procession crowds the streets and the deceased’s family, dressed in white, accompanies the casket to the burial place, generally the temple, while a gong, a two-stringed violin and drums are playing.